Privacy Policy

OBOGEE is committed to protecting the privacy of customers’ information. Please read the “Privacy Policy” below to better understand the commitments we make, to respect and protect the rights of visitors:

  1. Purpose and scope of collection

    To access and use some services at OBOGEE, customers may be required to register personal information (Email, Full name, birthday, …). All information declared must be accurate and legal. OBOGEE does not take any responsibility regarding the law of the declared information.

    We may also collect information about the number of visits, including the number of pages you view, the number of links you click and other information related to connecting to the OBOGEE website. We also collect information that your Web browser (Browser) uses every time you access OBOGEE, including: IP address, Browser type, language used, time and addresses that the Browser uses access to.

  2. Scope of information use

    OBOGEE collects and uses your personal information for the appropriate purpose and fully complies with the content of this “Privacy Policy”. When necessary, we may use this information to contact you directly in the form of: open letters, orders, promotions, thank you letters, sms, information technical and security… We promise not to disclose customer information as well as use your personal information for illegal purposes.

  3. Information storage time

    The Member’s personal data will be stored until the request to cancel or the member to log in and perform the cancellation. Remaining in all cases, member’s personal information will be kept confidential on OBOGEE’s server.

  4. Commitment to the confidentiality of customers’ personal information

    Members’ personal information on is absolutely confidential by OBOGEE in accordance with OBOGEE’s personal information protection policy. The collection and use of information of each member is only done with the consent of that customer, unless otherwise provided for by law.

    Do not use, do not transfer, provide or disclose to any third party about the member’s personal information without the consent of the member.

    In the event that the information server is attacked by a hacker leading to the loss of member’s personal data, OBOGEE will be responsible for notifying the incident to the investigating authorities for timely handling and notifying the member. Are known.

    Absolute confidentiality of all online transaction information of Members including invoice information, accounting and digital documents in OBOGEE’s level 1 secure central data area.

    OBOGEE team requires individuals, when registering/buying products as a member, to provide all relevant personal information such as: Full name, contact address, email, phone number, account number account, …., and is responsible for the legality of the above information. The OBOGEE Management Board is not responsible for and will not resolve any complaints related to the interests of that Member if it considers all the personal information of that member provided during the initial registration to be incorrect.

  5. Bad Information Management

    Members will be solely responsible for the security and keeping all activities of using the service under their registered name and password. Members are responsible for promptly notifying the OBOGEE website of unauthorized use, abuse, breach of security, retention of registered names and passwords of third parties to take appropriate measures.

    Members may not change, modify, assign, copy, transmit, distribute, provide and create similar tools of the service provided by the OBOGEE website to a third party without the consent of the website OBOGEE.

    Members must not act to discredit the OBOGEE website in any form such as causing disunity among members by using a second registered name, through a third party or propagating and disseminating information The news is not conducive to the reputation of the OBOGEE website.

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